

夏季时间:2024年5月13日- 7月26日 星期一至四上午八时至下午四时三十分,星期五上午八时至下午十二时


The 高中毕业计划 offers standards-based instruction to prepare students for a High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED) and to improve their basic skills in reading, 写作, 和数学. 除了, 数字素养, 金融知识, 过渡到大学援助是该计划的组成部分.


The 高中同等学历文凭 (formerly the GED program) offers free courses designed to help you to earn a high school equivalency diploma and become prepared for college and the workplace. 无论你是最近才离开学校,还是已经离开课堂多年, our program works with students of all levels and ages to advance their education and accomplish their academic and professional goals.


To get started on the HiSET Pathway to complete the high school equivalency diploma:

  1. 注册

    • 暑期班开始: 2024年7月8日.
      • 报名截止日期:2024年6月6日
    • 秋季开学: 2024年8月19日.
      • 报名截止日期:2024年7月25日
  2. 参加两个小时的培训

  3. 安排评估

  4. 在第一周上课

参加HiSET考试前, 你必须参加提高阅读能力的课程, 写作, 数学, 科学, 以及社会研究技能. You will also learn basic computer skills while you study in the High School Completion program to prepare you for the computer-based HiSET exam.

课程在早上和晚上提供. 准时和定期出勤对成功是绝对必要的. 学生必须每天准时上课.

Your length of study depends on your academic level when you start the program and how much time and effort you put into studying, 课堂时间, 和家庭作业. 每个学生都不一样. Some students earn their high school equivalency in a few months while other students take a few years to complete the program.





The 通过学分途径获得高中同等文凭 is designed to award a High School Equivalency Diploma to a student who demonstrates completion of at least 36 high school credits.


  • 高等教育学分
  • 先前高中学分
  • 通过学分途径获得的高中同等文凭学分
  • prior and current work-site learning credits that can count towards an elective

High School Equivalency Diploma by Credit is for students who do not need many credits to graduate. 学生 needing multiple credits to graduate may be best served by the 高中同等学历文凭.


To get started on the Credit Pathway to complete the High School Equivalency Diploma:

  1. 注册

  2. 参加一个三小时的培训

  3. 安排评估

  4. Provide an official high school transcript* sent directly from the home high school or an approved secure third-party agency to Hawkeye's 凡克. 米勒成人学习中心:

    凡克. 米勒成人学习中心

  5. 支付75美元的年费

  6. Transcripts will be evaluated by a 靠谱买球app推荐 staff member to determine which courses and how many credits remain for the student’s successful completion of their High School Equivalency diploma.



  • Institutional validation (Registrar's signature, the institution's seal or watermark)

  • 出具成绩单的日期.

Transcripts hand delivered, even in a sealed envelope, will be considered unofficial.

学生 who wish to pursue the 通过学分途径获得高中同等文凭 can begin their individual coursework after all enrollment requirements are complete.

学生必须修至少两门高中水平的课程. The transcript audit may find more than two high school level courses are required to meet all requirements set by the Iowa Department of Education.

每门独立学习课程都是通过在线平台提供的. 将有一名教师提供辅导和咨询服务. 所有的单元和章节测试都将在靠谱买球app推荐的货车G上进行. 米勒成人学习中心或通过远程监考服务. 除了, students will be required to meet with the Career Pathway Specialist and the Transition Specialist throughout the course of the program.

Each course must be completed within 16 weeks and will take approximately 40 to 60 hours to finish.


The High School Equivalency Diploma based on Foreign Postsecondary Degree Pathway is designed to award an Iowa High School Equivalency Diploma to a resident participant who presents a postsecondary degree equivalent to an associate degree or higher from outside the United States.


  1. 注册

  2. 提供在爱荷华州的居住证明

    • 参与者必须在爱荷华州居住至少90天. 学生 are required to provide two forms of documentation from different sources. 在爱荷华州的居住证明包括:
      • 爱荷华州所得税申报表
      • 帐单
      • 爱荷华州驾照
      • 爱荷华州车辆登记卡
      • 爱荷华州选民登记卡
      • 爱荷华州宅基地房产税信用证明
      • Written and notarized documentation from an employer that the student is employed in Iowa or a signed and notarized statement from the student describing employment and sources of support.
  3. 完成CASAS阅读和听力测试.

    • Participants are required to have a minimum passing score of 211 in reading and 210 in listening.

    • Participants that do not meet the minimum passing scores will work with the Manager of 英语语言学习 and Family 读写能力 to enroll in the 英语语言学习 program and to determine when to retake the CASAS reading and listening tests.

  4. ?提供美国公民身份证明

    • 入籍证明文件包括入籍证书, 公民证书, 或美国出生证明.

    • 非美国公民的参与者也有资格申请. 学生 will work with the Manager of 英语语言学习 and Family 读写能力 to:

      1. 报名参加适当的公民课程
      2. 报名参加英语语言学习课程, 学生应该在哪里完成一整个学期的课程.
  5. Participate in Orientation and meet with the Career Pathway Specialist to assess your career interests and develop an action plan for your future goals.

  6. 成绩单翻译与评价

    • Participants will meet with the Transition Specialist to work with a third-party foreign credential service. 靠谱买球app推荐将不评估外国成绩单.

    • Participants are responsible for all fees charged by the third-party foreign credentials services that will be evaluating and translating transcripts. 靠谱买球app推荐不收取任何费用.


网上注册 或者在货车G停一下. 米勒成人学习中心.

  • 星期二及四上午九时至晚上七时
  • 星期三上午九时至下午四时



  1. 学生 enrolling in the High School Completion program must be at least 16 years and nine months by the first day of classes to participate.

  2. 的学生 16岁零9个月,17岁或18岁,将需要提交一份签名的 Request for Admission to Test Age Waiver for High School Equivalency Diploma form [pdf] 在注册时.

    • 适合16岁和17岁的孩子, a legal guardian should contact the 登记 Specialist at 319-296-4278 prior to registration to finalize additional requirements and officially enroll in the program.

  3. 你必须精通英语. 你可以用……提高你的英语水平 英语语言学习课程.



Korianne Gevaert
凡克. 米勒成人学习中心
319-296-2329 ext.2033
给Korianne Gevaert发邮件


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